Black Magic vs White Magic: Who Is The Winner?

Black Magic & Mental Health
Black magic is essentially known as negative thoughts manifested in the physical world through an intense will to harm, damage and control. It can only affect individuals who possess similar negative traits hidden within their subconscious or their blind spots and who are experiencing extreme intense low vibrational emotions for long period of time, such as grief, sadness or despair.

The Power of Personal Responsibility in Overcoming Dark Influences
In Western society, the concept of black magic is often dismissed because the culture encourages individuals to take responsibility for their own issues and emotions, leaving little room for the belief in external supernatural influences.
Ownership is key to clearing any discomfort; by acknowledging and addressing your own negative emotions and traits, you can protect yourself from such dark influences.

Transforming Demons into Allies
Conversely, suppression and oppression of these feelings can create a gateway that attracts and amplifies darkness. By owning your "shit" you can mitigate the impact of negative energies and maintain your well-being intact!
To heal, you must own your demons with total kindness and compassion, transforming them into your allies.

Love Your Inner Monsters: Transforming Fear into Strength
Confronting and understanding your inner monsters allows you to gain mastery over them. Instead of letting them haunt you, bring them into the light with total acceptance and turn them into powerful guides on your journey to wholeness.
“وَمَا هُمْ بِضَارِّينَ بِهِ مِنْ أَحَدٍ إِلا بِإِذْنِ اللَّه”
Black Magic or Black Holes in Your Marriage?
In my work, I've seen many couples who believe they're cursed, attributing their struggles to black magic. When I ask how long they've been together and the last time they shared intimate moments basically sex, the responses are often shocking—years without connection.
The Consequences of Neglecting Your Inner Self
On a soul level, treating your body as a machine and ignoring your needs to stay together for the sake of the kids or out of shame creates profound voids in your psyche and soul. These voids become black holes, attracting negative emotions and severe illnesses, such as cancer. Yet, we often blame external forces or the idea of black magic.
The Dangers of Suppressed Emotions
The term "black magic" here is symbolic. It is "black" because it originates from within, from neglect and suppression. It is "magic" because it has an extraordinary impact that contradicts our natural physical existence. When we suppress our feelings, anger, or desires for too long, we weaken our psychic defenses. This makes us susceptible to low-vibration entities and energies. The hunger for connection and fulfillment leaves us vulnerable, leading us to blame others or external forces for our plight.
Impact of Personal Struggles on Career and Financial Success
On a second level, this neglect and suppression can also reflect on our careers and wealth. The same voids that disrupt our personal lives can extend to our professional and financial realms, creating a sense of being "cursed" in these areas as well. The lack of fulfillment and unresolved negative emotions can hinder our productivity, creativity, and overall success. This perceived curse impacts not just our relationships, but also our career growth and financial stability.
Reconnecting to Your Loving Self
On a spiritual level, this disconnection from ourselves and our partners disrupts the flow of positive energy, creating a breeding ground for negativity. To heal, we must address these voids with honesty and compassion. Reconnecting with our true desires and needs, openly communicating with our partners and above all prioritizing our well-being can transform these black holes into white crakes for sources of light and love.
Own your own desires and take responsibility for your energy. Nurture your soul and cultivate relationships that uplift and heal, thereby enriching all areas of your life
IBlack Magic and the Feeling of Being Cursed
The Psychological Burden of Love! Am I cursed?
Many women come to me claiming that their exes have cursed them out of love, sex, or even marriage, often attributing this to black magic. When I look into it, it seems that these women indeed had some nasty partners. However, the cultural pressure and mental patterns surrounding relationship failures, shame and guilt are deeply embedded in their psyche. So these women end up tuning into these beliefs and start feeling cursed themselves.
The Impact of Fact-Loving Relationships on Financial Well-Being
Similarly, many men come to me claiming that they are cursed financially or in business, often calling it "آعمال" (Arabic word for spells). Men rarely come asking about love spells :)) In many cases, they attribute this to extreme duress or pressure from family members who may have sought power and wealth through negative rituals. When I tune into it, sometimes these feelings arise from being in relationships—whether marriage or partnership—where the intentions were not rooted in love. In these situations, the curse is often handcrafted by the individuals themselves, yet they blame it on others.
Polarity and Free Will
Service to Self or Service to Others?
The concept of polarity is the division between service to others (positive polarity) and service to self (negative polarity). Black magic is associated with negative polarity, where individuals seek to control others and manipulate free will for personal gain, wealth, or power! White magic is linked to the idea of serving others. It is often associated with healing, protection, and positive intentions, emphasizing the importance of using one's abilities to benefit and uplift those around them. They are interconnected; you cannot have one without the other. Otherwise, it leads to a distorted sense of self.
The Universal Law of Free Will
Free will is a universal law and those who attempt to break it by causing extreme duress to others and manipulating another human being's free will can face undeniable consequences. When someone tries to control or manipulate another person out of their free will, they harm not only the other person but also themselves.
Light or Dark? Which Path Does Your Soul Fancy?
Starting from the dark?
In the spiritual realm, this act is considered selling your own soul to the dark forces and claiming it as a mortal soul that won't reincarnate, leaving you feeling incomplete, empty, and out of luck in this lifetime. The emptiness and misfortune stem from the very thought and intention of trying to control someone else against their will.
Closing with the light? Just Dont Get Stuck!
The same applies to lightworkers, who can sacrifice their souls for humanity's benefit. They channel mystical knowledge, asserting their souls' immortality while seeking a deeper sense of comfort on a spiritual level. They represent the martyr archetype and also need healing and forgiveness, especially when this occurs at an unconscious level of sacrifice. The goal is not to get trapped in one approach or another; instead, learn to balance and harmonize them effectively!
The Choice of Sacrifice: Darkness or Light in Spirituality
In the spiritual realm, the act of sacrificing your essence can lead to profound consequences, whether for dark forces or as a light worker. When lightworkers give up parts of their souls, they may find themselves feeling incomplete or disconnected, similar to those who sacrifice for darker intentions. The underlying question remains: Will you choose to sacrifice for darkness or for light? Both paths require a deep understanding of the impact of your intentions and actions on your spiritual journey.
The Importance of Mental Resilience for Free Will
Your free will can only be intact when your psyche is strong. When your emotional and mental state is weak, you are more susceptible to outside influences, making it easier for others to infringe upon your free will. Strengthening your mental and emotional resilience is key to maintaining your autonomy and preventing others from imposing their will upon you.
A strong commitment to service can shield individuals from the effects of black magic by raising their vibrational frequency and aligning with light forces!
The True Curse of Free Will
If you believe you are cursed, then you are. If you believe you can curse someone, then you can. But remember, the repercussions will be more than you can handle because when you break someone’s free will, the universe will take your own free will from you. That is the true curse you place on yourself.
Reclaiming Your Power: Healing Curses and Negative Energy
One way to heal a curse is to heal your belief system and manifest a change by addressing and replacing the disharmonious ties in your life. Shamanic prayers can also help by driving away the inner demons that create these blockages, sending them back to where they came from. Through these practices, you can reclaim your power and free yourself from the chains of negative energy.
"اللَّهُ نُورُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ ۚ مَثَلُ نُورِهِ كَمِشْكَاةٍ فِيهَا مِصْبَاحٌ ۖ الْمِصْبَاحُ فِي زُجَاجَةٍ ۖ الزُّجَاجَةُ كَأَنَّهَا كَوْكَبٌ دُرِّيٌّ يُوقَدُ مِن شَجَرَةٍ مُّبَارَكَةٍ زَيْتُونَةٍ لَّا شَرْقِيَّةٍ وَلَا غَرْبِيَّةٍ يَكَادُ زَيْتُهَا يُضِيءُ وَلَوْ لَمْ تَمْسَسْهُ نَارٌ ۚ نُّورٌ عَلَىٰ نُورٍ ۗ يَهْدِي اللَّهُ لِنُورِهِ مَن يَشَاءُ ۚ وَيَضْرِبُ اللَّهُ الْأَمْثَالَ لِلنَّاسِ ۗ وَاللَّهُ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيمٌ" (النور: ٣٥)
Light and Darkness Are Connected: The Path to Eternal Peace
Remember that divine guidance is a source of light, illuminating our path and helping us overcome the darkness within us and around us.
Remember - without darkness, there will be no light!!! Embracing both in our psyche and balancing them is the key to eternal peace.
Journey to Unity with the Creator
In the end, everyone has a unique journey toward eventual UNITY WITH THE CREATOR. Black magic, alongside white magic, represents the broader spectrum of experiences and choices available to souls in their quest for spiritual evolution, highlighting the duality between darker and lighter paths.
The Sacrifices in Black Magic and White Magic!
When you try to connect with extraterrestrial beings—whether for good or evil— and manifest your wish on the third dimensional reality, the price you pay is enormous. This isn't just about seeking secret knowledge or power; it often involves a sacrifice far greater than you might expect! This isn't just a game of seeking hidden knowledge or otherworldly power; it's a pact that demands a steep price. Sometimes, this sacrifice is giving up a soul in service, which could bring an extraterrestrial being down to Earth, and vise versa - either to help or to destroy. The consequences are serious!
The Sacrifices for Humanity
Take the example of Nikola Tesla, a man who many believe sacrificed his life to bring extraordinary information to Earth. Tesla understood the magnitude of his actions, knowing full well that his work came with a tremendous sacrifice. He remains, in a way, waiting for his honor—a recognition of the immense cost he bore to advance human knowledge.
The Burden of Sacrifice
Another example is a sniper who was killing murderers. He made a conscious choice to help his country survive tyranny, but unknowingly, he made a pact that cost him his own brother. This loss affected him deeply, but on an unconscious level he did it to protect his heart and stay true to his mission. What a brave act! Yet the spirit being has to be forgiving to its own choice!
The Sacrifice Of A Possessive Lover
But not all sacrifices are noble. There's a darker side to these spiritual deals. Imagine a man who loved his partner so much that he asked a religious leader to pray and exercise rituals to keep his lover by his side forever!!! The moment he started trying to control another person’s free will through spiritual means, he unknowingly set himself up for tragedy. As a result, he lost all beloved ones, dead or alive, including his own father!. While his life seemed to reach great heights, it eventually came crashing down because his own free will was compromised.
The Cost Of Wealth And Power
Another story involves a wealthy man who, driven by an insatiable hunger for power and money, used the political influence of his ancestors spirits. In a twisted act of devotion to dark forces, he sacrificed his newborn child to gain more wealth and authority. In doing so, he condemned his soul to mortality, choosing power and material gain over the sacred bond of fatherhood and the path of inner growth. He got everything he desired—but at a cost so great, it begs the question: Is it worth it?
In the world of black magic and white magic, you can get anything, but you must ask yourself—are you truly ready to pay the price? Are you prepared for the cost? Is it worth it?
What About White Magic?
Similarly, in the realm of white magic and among lightworkers, the journey can offer profound insights and transformation. However, it's crucial to reflect—are you ready to pay the price for this illumination? Are you prepared for the sacrifices that may come with pursuing a path of light? The commitment to this journey often requires deep introspection and an understanding of the responsibilities that accompany the gifts of white magic. Consider the extent to which you are willing to engage with this energy and the potential impact it may have on your life and the lives of others.
There’s so much to say about this topic! Remember, if something within you needs healing. Ask questions?... for your true existence! and watch out for the answers!
Don’t hesitate to reach out for support. Let’s break free from these invisible chains and heal together!
God bless us all!